It's not magic, it's massage!
Same-Day Services for Existing Clients | Accept Doctor's Orders
Same-Day Services for Existing Clients
Accept Doctor's Orders
Theralief Massage was started with a focus to provide high-quality, affordable therapeutic massage services in North St. Paul, MN. We offer a variety of massage and bodywork techniques and modalities at excellent prices. When you come to us, we'll customize your sessions to meet your specific needs so that you feel healthier and energized. Call now to schedule your appointment with our trained massage therapist.
At Theralief Massage, we provide gentle massage therapy for patients undergoing cancer treatment. We'll massage your fingers and toes so that your nerve endings relax, and you feel less pain and tingling.
Whether you want to improve your athletic performance or get relief from muscle cramps, we can find the right modality that fits your needs. Come see us at our therapy center in North St. Paul, MN. We offer same-day appointments to existing clients.
Here at Theralief Massage, our goal is to ensure that each of our clients receives the best care possible during every therapy session.
When you come to us, we'll listen to you to understand what you want from your sessions, and then use a mix of techniques to provide the results you're looking for.
Get relief from stress and pain with our effective reflexology therapy services. Stop by Theralief Massage for a soothing reflexology session and step out rejuvenated.
If you have pain in the muscles or joints, our myofascial release therapy sessions can relieve the pain, improve the blood flow to your muscles, and leave you feeling stronger.
Our therapist is trained in lymphedema therapy and can work to completely remove the fluid from your affected limb so that you can enjoy a better quality of life.
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